How to create a release

Release Guide

The following list describes the steps that need to be taken in order to release a new version of rationally.

  1. Increase the version number in the files RationallyAddin.cs and product.wxs. The version number should follow semantic versioning guidelines.
  2. Commit and push latest changes.
  3. Assert that the setup-project contains the latest templates and stencils.
  4. Assert that the version number in RationallyAddin.cs and product.wxs are the same.
  5. Build the msi.
  6. Assert that the msi was built in RELEASE mode (not DEBUG).
  7. Add the version number to the name of the msi. (e.g., rationally_v0-1-2.msi)
  8. Sign the msi using the Microsoft signtool
  9. Create a release on Github.
  10. The release should have the same version number as the msi.
  11. Add release notes.
  12. Upload the msi file.
We use a simplified semantic versioning scheme consisting of, e.g., 2.3.4. The version indicator should only contain numbers, otherwise users are not automatically informed about a new release.